Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Want..

I want a world without fires.
 Would that be a world without heroes?
I want a world without crisis.
 Where will then be the opportunity to rise up to the occasion?
I want a world that's easy. 
 But that would be bore me to the death.

I want a world without pain.
 But then would happiness still mean the same?
I want a world without evil.
 But then what would good triumph over?

I want a world without fights.
 But would anyone then care about anything?
I want a world without problems,
 But then how would I ever grow?

I want a world where I get what I want.
 But then would I prize them as much?

I want a world without work.
 But then would my life mean as much?
I want a world without rules.
 But so would be a world full of chaos.

I want a world that's fair.
 But that's too much to ask for?
 How else can I be wise?

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