Sunday, April 20, 2008

There does exist some kind of magic in this world...

There does! Of late I have been noticing a lot of coincidences in my life..certain things seem to keep happening, when they might as well have not happened! Is there a meaning to all this? There must be..but I cant understand yet...

But it all seems how I often ask these questions to myself and somehow, through the words of some friend, or sometimes strangers or TV or a random book or movie..I do get the answer...

It's as if the world is actually speaking to me...

I wonder..does this happen to everyone..or is this a sagitarian thing?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

After another busy day in office...

Never been motivated to write a fictional piece before...but this is fun! My second piece of romantic fiction, this time it's not a programming language :-)...

Another busy day in office. All those conversations and discussions and getting things done and solving problems and now he was tired. All he wanted now was to be just be home with her. See her smile at him that way she did every time.

The way only she could ever. A smile that even today, after all these years, brought to him a peace he couldn't explain. Every time he saw her, he had felt so much at home, in a way he had never felt before he had met her.

Walking down the stairs from his second floor office, smiling to himself, he suddenly gets a call. It's from her. He picks it up eagerly only to realise at the first hello that something was wrong.This was not the beautiful sound that he could never have enough of.

She had been admitted to a hospital. She was down with a severe attack of diarrhoea and vomiting. It must have been the team outing the day before that she had been to, he thought to himself.

He couldn't help feel a pang of regret. Wish he had been there with her...

But right now the only thing on his mind was catching the first cab to the hospital. He reaches the hospital and rushes into her room.

And there he sees her. Her eyes closed, she is sleeping with all the serenity in the world. He carefully closes the door so as to not wake her up. And he sits down beside her. All he wants to do now is to just keep looking at that beauty that lay before him.

And he couldn't help wonder. All those beautiful women out there. All those pretty faces that fascinated him. All those women who liked him and admired him so much. And yet it was she whom he had fallen for.

She wasn't what one would say, a traditional beauty.Yes, on her day, she could blow away men with her looks. There were days when she would strut in looking stunning. But for him it was never about how she looked. For him, it was about her. Her complete whole. About who she was.

And right now, as he looked down upon her, in that sterile hospital environment, he couldn't escape the reality of how ordinary she looked in her sickness. The sickness had drained the colour from her cheeks. And her long hair was bunched up in a knot behind her.

And yet, even in that ugliness, he couldn't help wonder how someone could still look so beautiful. That beauty lay in the eyes of the beholder was the oldest cliché he had heard.

But here, now, in that moment, as he looked at that face, it hit him with all the certainty in the world, that before him lay one of the most beautiful sights ever. Nothing, nothing at all could be
more beautiful than this.

And then she opens her eyes. As she sees him there, the graveness on her face gives way to a smile, like the tiniest rays of sunlight escaping slowly from behind the dark clouds. That's all that she could manage in her condition.

He picks up her hand and holds it close to him and looks down into those deep black eyes, eyes he could never help being lost in.

And then he just stays that way. He doesn’t utter a word at all.

But in the silence of that moment, she looks into his eyes and hears the most beautiful music ever.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Between Py and Ru..

Gail: "Have you ever been in love?"
Roark: "I still am."
Gail: "And when you walk through that building, what you feel is greater than that?"
Roark: "Much greater, much greater."

What if Ruby and Python were women? Then I would have to say that I am in love with two women. Outrageous? Ridiculous? Crazy? Whatever. Here’s my love story.

Well I met Py first. She was so different from the others. At first I couldn’t understand her and I didn’t like her. But I don’t know why I took the effort to know her. Destiny?

Maybe it was the hope of finding something beautiful. It took me some time to know her and get used to her ways. And soon I couldn’t help but madly fall in love with her. Conversations with her were so simple and effortless. When I was with her, I was no longer the tounge-tied shy guy the others knew me as.

They say love is one exhilarating feeling. And I couldn’t agree more. I could only see her wherever I went. She was the love of my life, I thought.

Until I met Ru. Well I had heard about her before. Knew her a bit. But I guess, I was so much into Py that I had never bothered to know Ru more. Why do I need her when I had Py with me.

But here in ThoughtWorks, I saw the kind of spell she had the guys under. I would see her smiling at me as they exclaimed praises about her. Everyone seemed to be so much in awe of this girl I had known since long but never cared to know well enough.

Curious, I began to make short talk with her. One conversation led to another and soon I started feeling drawn to her. What attracted me most about her, was her way of life, her philosophy.

She had very clear ideas about who she was. And what she wanted to do. I found myself agreeing a lot with the way she saw things as.

Life to her was about making making people happy. Simple. She believed she was in this world to bring joy into the lives of people around her.

Soon she had me laughing and enjoying her company. She’s fun, I thought to myself. Clever, intelligent and really beautiful.

And like Py, she too was a girl of few words. Yet what was so beautiful about her was the way she could express much more with those few words. Considering that I too like to keep my words to myself,I felt absolutely at home with her. It was like we were connected at some level. So few words exchanged, but yet a lot being said and understood.

I was surprised to learn that she was brought up in Japan by her Japanese father. But she considered the world her true home. She had a handsome Dannish boyfriend too. Somebody deeply in love with her. Somebody who she said was very vocal about her and went around telling everyone how she had changed his life forever! Somebody so crazy about her that he believed he could change the world with her by his side!

“Kinda silly of him”, she said,“Thanks to him a lot of people want to know more about me. But people don’t realise that I am much more than his girlfriend!! But yes I love him for what he has done for me.", she said.

Oh, she has a boyfriend, I tried to hide my disappointment. But yes, love does make people do all kind of crazy things and he seemed to be very much in love with her.

Maybe she saw the frown on my face and added, “Ofcourse that doesn’t mean I can’t have friends!". A smile on her face as she said that. Or was it just me beginning to feel smitten.

As days went by, I found myself craving her company more than anything else. There was something so beautiful about her. No, not the kind of beauty that Py had. Ru was beautiful in a totally different sense.

She appealed to the part of me that craved freedom. Freedom is true power. The freedom as in “Free to choose”. 

Free of restrictons. And inhibitions. Not limited by rules set up by disciplinarians who tell you that the restrictions are for your own good. They may have a point. But I guess I can decide for myself what is good for me and what is not.

And soon I found myself falling in love with her.

Now what? I am in love with two women. Who’s the one for me? Who’s side should I take? Who’s the one with whom I should be?

Two sisters. But two different philosophies. And it’s their respective philosophies that intrigue me more.

Py likes things neat and clean. She won’t go with the unruly guy.
And she is very particular about maintaing her space.

Ru lets you have your way. She can be sweet to the nice disciplined guy. And also play along with the bad disorganized guy. She doesn’t discriminate and adapts herself to make everyone feel at home. For she wants all, each and everyone to experience her joy.

Two wonderful people I have a great time with.
If only I could be with both of them....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Greatest Feeling...

What we feel is what makes us human. So whats the greatest feeling in the world, besides being in love?

For me I have now realised, it's what I feel after I have done something that I have always been afraid of.

Yes the greatest feeling on this earth for me is conquering my fears.
Going out and doing something that's scary. Or rather your mind says that its scary.

You see its in the very act of confronting our fears that we live our lives to the fullest.

Right now, for me, it's like a tap that has been opened. And the water's flowing out real strong. I am no longer afraid. There's no stopping this current.

For I have conquered my fears. I have gone out and done what I thought I could never do. And it has filled me with so much confidence that now I know I can win over my other fears too. I know it wont be easy. But win, I will.

And it's an absolutely heady feeling. I feel like just jumping up and down shouting out loud, Hey! Hey! You know what?! I did it! I did it!! I am no longer afraid!

It's like this exhilarating feeling of extreme happiness where you want to scream your lungs out because you are filled with so much energy that you just have to let it out!

What was the impossible is now history. I have looked fear in the eye, and defeated her.

Now I am the one smiling at her. And she is the one trying to hide away from me, vowing she will come back one day in a new form to haunt me again.

Come again, I don't now care, for you now have lost your power over me. I have defeated you once,I will fight the battle again and victory will be mine to savour again.

Life can be very unpredictable. Life can be very short. All we have then is the now.

And its the greatest injustice in this world, if we let fear prevent us from living our lives to the fullest.

Because more than anything, tomorrow may just never come.

Tonite's the Night...

We are going live with our website tonite....this is what we have been working on since the last 8 months...

Tonite is the night,
that will decide our fate.
All that work
and all that toil,
hope there won't be no spoil.
All that ache
and all that pain,
hope that won't be in vain.

Tonite is the night,
so long has been the wait.
Anxious moments, fingers crossed,
may things go a song, as hoped.

Tonite is the night,
we will win the fight.
Come what may,
we won't sway.
And fight we will,
till it's all still.

Tonite is the night,
the story,it will come to an end.

And the glory will be for ours to claim,
And the happiness will be for ours to savour.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In love with Kimya Dawson's Juno Songs!

It's late in the night and I was supposed to have hit bed something like two hours back because I had this terrible headache...but here am I writing this post with the headache a distant memory and the night still seeming young :-)

For the past two hours I have been listening to an endless repeat of the Juno soundtrack. Specifically Kimya Dawson's songs.

Of course my favourite is "Tire Swing". Something so beautifully simple about this song that I just can't explain! You just can't help falling in love with this song...And I have always been in love with the sound of the guitar strings...

Number two would be "So Nice So Smart". A song that just brings a smile to my face, time after time.

Number three would be the rappish "Loose Lips". Just listen to the lyrics :-)

Number four would be the "Tree Hugger". Another nice hum along song with interesting lyrics.

Number five would be Rollercoaster. The soundtrack has only a 53 sec version of it. But now after listening to this full version I realize this is the best of the lot! Lot of energy in the song, and great lyrics again.

Among the other songs in the soundtrack I liked a lot are "Dearest" by Buddy Holly, All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar and Any One Else But You by Michael Cera and Ellen Page ( the ending song sung beautifully by the stars themselves...)

Another special mention would be Sea of Love by Cat Power. Another deeply meaningful song sung beautifully.

Maybe its the novelty of the soundtrack that appeals to me most, the songs are wonderfully different from the run of the mill that you hear often. But they just give me so much joy.. I can't help listen to them again and again and again...

And for the first time in my life I so much wish I knew how to play the guitar, for all I want to do right now is to just strum along to the songs!

Thanks people for some great music! You make my day everytime I listen to you!!