Monday, January 11, 2010

On Love...

Well, it's one of the most complicated of things.. isn't it?
But in the end, love really means it's about the other.
We human beings are inherently selfish. And lazy. We do work only for ourselves.
Everything that we do is for ourselves. Even loving someone is in some way a selfish act.
But there's the paradox. Love is the only exception where you put the other first.

Love is the only exception when you put in effort for somone else. Without even realising that
what you did was something beyond. Because when you really love somone, it's just natural.
It's just no big deal.

Our parents, brothers and sisters, best friends, and the love of our life. Different loves, yet essentially the same.

I think the Gift of Magi captures this very well.. I love this short story by O. Henry..

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