Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Discovered a new author today...infact just moments ago...new for me ofcourse.  And I can't help being moved by her writings.

Read her Invitations piece. And I couldnt help thinking that those were the questions that I would want to ask too. And more I read about her, I am finding these small little details that make me feel as if we are similar in some respects...

Her homepage has the words, "Since I was a child, I have written to understand myself and the world....". Just the reason why I like to write too.

And her writing is basically a series of questions, that provoke thought. And I too like to write that way.. a series of questions, that have more meaning in them than any answer can.

Ofcourse I dont think am that good a writer, but I do feel a connection...
The things she writes about, feels and talks about...would be interesting to read more of her works.

But more than anything, I have just found another 
source of inspiration...
Something that's going to continue to inspire me to write more...

Thanks Oriah! And thanks Perceptions for pointing me to her!!


Novice said...

u had visited my blog earler..so thought would check urs out..
wanted to say a thank u for ur comments on my writing..look forward to more of ur thoughts on my write-ups..
and another thank u for hooking me on to this new author u found..u were absolutely right..i think most writers big or small,ptofessional or ameteurs will identify with her inspiration to write..

Dewdrop said...


Thanks for introducing a new writer :)