Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some Opposites - Richard Wilbur

Noticed this poem here

Absolutely caught me off guard, not the kind of serious or philosophical poem I have read before, but delightfully imaginative and sweetly musical....but if you look carefully, it is indeed philosophical...

Some Opposites
Richard Wilbur

What is the opposite of riot?
It is lots of people keeping quiet.

The opposite of doughnut? Wait
A minute while I meditate
This isn’t easy. Ah! I’ve found it.
It’s a cookie with a hole around it.

What is the opposite of two?
A lonely me,a lonely you.

The opposite of a cloud could be
A white reflection in the sea
Or a huge blueness in the air
Caused by the cloud’s not being there

The opposite of opposite?
That’s much too difficult.I quit.

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